Job description with a style

Requirements (and we mean it!)
  • Techie Cred: CS or similar degree so you can talk to our enginerds about Python, map reduce jobs, and naive Bayesian algorithms without a translator.
  • Design Chops: While Yelp PMs hold technical degrees, we're also passionate about design and have either schooling or significant experience building beautiful sites or apps. You should, too.
  • Passion about the Space: You love the world of social networking, local search and consumer websites.
  • Non-Nerd Empathy: You're interested in FriendFeed, Twitter, etc. as much as the next nerd, but you also recognize that you're designing for a non-techie audience.
  • A Conditional Love for Yelp: Like a BFF or a tee ball coach, you should love us but also be able to tell us what we're doing wrong. You'll need to be able to dish out the criticism here and take it, too.
  • A Need for Speed: Daily release cycle? Bring it!

check out for details this Job Description on Stack Overflow.

( or follow this link: )


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